Personal Digital Devices including Cell Phone Use:
To align with policy 4370 effective as of July 1, 2024
Cell Phone Use – Code of Conduct Update Effective July 1, 2024
Cell phones and electronic devices have become an increasing issue over the last few years – both as a distraction to the learning in the classroom and as an issue on the school yard. Technology is a wonderful tool but when misused, it can put your child in danger or cause difficulties for other children (cyberbullying). The laptops and iPads we use in the school have high-risk sites blocked and we can monitor what students have access to.
It is not possible to do that with cell phones and other electronic devices. The district has amended the policy to help students learn, to keep them safe and to align with the provincial mandate. As of July 1, 2024, personal digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets, computers, smartwatches, and portable video game systems) will not be permitted at any time during the school day. This is from the arrival on school property to their departure from school property.
Following policy 4370 ( schools will exempt specific students from restrictions on the use of personal digital devices when they are needed as an essential support for their medical support plan and needs (i.e. diabetes, medication, etc.) or as outlined in a student’s Competency-Based Individual Education plan.
If parents feel they want their child to have access to their cell phone before arriving on school property and after leaving school property, cell phones may be brought to school and left turned off in the student’s backpack. The security and storage of personal devices is the sole responsibility of the owner, and the school assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair, or replacement of such devices.
Parents and caregivers needing to leave important messages for their child during the school day can do so by contacting the school office.
Should students have their phone or digital devices out, the first time they will receive a warning, a review of expectations and the device will be kept with the teacher until the end of the day. (Level 1)
Should it happen again, the phone will be sent to the office and parents will be contacted to pick up the student’s phone/device. (Level 2)
Should chronic issues occur, they will be addressed individually, and a plan will be put in place with administration. (Level 3/4).