About Us

Ecole Frank Ross (EFR) students come first. EFR is a Kindergarten to Grade 7 dual-track French Immersion and English school. We serve approximately 465 students and we are located on the north side of Dawson Creek. Our playground looks over Bear Mountain and the first renewable wind energy installation in British Columbia!  At EFR we are focused on student safety, choosing kindness at all times and working hard toward academic goals. The school maintains a strong focus on literacy and numeracy and engaging in inquiry for continuous improvement.  The EFR mascot is the Bulldog! As bulldogs we focus on being kind, calm, determined, and courageous. The qualities underscore the efforts to foster curious, creative, resilient critical thinkers.

Ecole Frank Ross currently has 19 divisions (10 English and 9 French Immersion), with 19 classroom teachers, a full-time music teacher, two learning assistance teachers, two teacher-librarians, and a literacy specialist teacher. The school also works closely with School District 59’s learning services team for early intervention and the district counsellors to build capacity in social-emotional areas.

Ecole Frank Ross offers a breakfast program with healthy options each morning and encourages students to be outside playing and learning as much as possible. The school has maintained several sports teams including volleyball, basketball and track and field as well as opportunities to snowshoe, x-country ski, downhill ski, and snowshoe amongst other opportunities to be active. Additionally, students have had access to after school music programming and Judo. The school has a leadership team that works on improving student life at EFR. Leadership students support special activities, run spirit days, support events like our Solstice Soirée and intramural activities

The French Immersion program is offered from K to 7 and focuses on strong-oral language development and encouraging authentic use of French through cultural activities such as francophone musicians, authors, scientists, artists, amongst others. Students in French Immersion have the opportunity to compete in speaking contests, interact with a French language guests from Francophone communities and participate in cultural activities such as Carnaval.

Currently, Ecole Frank Ross is working to enhance the resources and opportunities for students to engage in design-thinking and apply skills in areas such as coding, robotics, and scientific inquiry. Students at EFR participate in science fair at the school and we regularly send competitors to the regional event. Our library is working hard to encourage maker activities, spaces, and days as well as enhance our resource collection for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning.  Our upper intermediate classes also have the opportunity to engage in a rotation of ADST to expose students to different areas of interest and curriculum.  We strive to provide École Frank Ross students with unique learning opportunities to further their personal growth and provide them the skills to be successful in the 21st century.

Catchment Area
Erase Bullying

Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

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1000 - 92 Avenue
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1C1
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